Develop an experiential program incorporating the UMA’s Pathways Curriculum of which provides place and problem-based learning opportunities fostering leadership development and self discovery and reinforcing connections between students, the environment and the greater world around them. Looking into next year, an experiential program will be developed providing scaffolding opportunities of academic and wilderness skillsets for grades 9 - 12.
Number of Participants
9th grade: 55 + chaperones
10th grade: ?
11th grade: ?
12th grade: 33 + chaperones
Grade-based Curriculum Connections
9th: geography, geology, problem-solving strategies
10th: ecology, communication of ideas
11th: service project
12th: leadership, transition, culminating project
Proposed Expedition Opportunities
2022-2023 School Year
Narrative Summary: Given the quick turnaround this year, below are a few options for UMA to review regarding programming to be implemented at the team’s discretion. Depending on the team’s preferences, these programs will be further developed, customized and officially scheduled for participation this fall and spring semester. Looking ahead, the programs are malleable and can be adjusted to match curriculum changes in future years of study or utilized as a single expedition.
Fall 2022: 9th and 10th Grade Day Trip
Distance from UMA: 25 miles; 45 min drive by bus
Dates: most days are options from Mid-October to early November with each grade level on a different day
Cost per Student: $35, includes lunch and all activities, excludes bus transfer (1 free chaperone per 10 students)
9th Grade Itinerary
9 am Depart UMA
10 am Arrive at Afton State Park, Official Welcome and Briefing by Global Treks and local park Naturalist
10:30 – 12:30 Station 1
12:45 – 1:45 Lunch break
2 – 4:30 Station 2
4:45 - 5:45 Bonfire, s’mores, goals/intentions
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
6:45 pm Students depart from UMA
Station Options
1) Geography/geology exploration with geocaching activity
2) Hiking and topographic maps
3) River connections: aquatic environmental awareness activity alongside the river (not on boats given time of year)
4) Group mini-presentation challenge and leadership activity
5) Leadership styles and group initiatives
6) Curriculum Connections Activity — course to be developed to match curriculum goals and specific learning objectives.
10th grade Itinerary
9 am Depart UMA
10 am Arrive at Afton State Park, Official Welcome, Briefing by Global Treks and local park Naturalist
10:30 – 12:30 Station 1
12:45 – 1:45 Lunch break
2 – 4:30 Station 2
4:45 - 5:45 Bonfire, backcountry snacks, reflection activity
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
6:45 pm Students depart from UMA
Station Options
1) Mapping/leadership initiative and hiking activity
2) Ecosystem/ecology lesson, seed dispersal and seed gathering activity with correlated science learning objectives.
3) Humans as members of a greater ecosystem – sustainability lesson and problem-based learning project as active members/participants within an ecosystem
4) Curriculum Connections Activity — course to be developed to match curriculum goals and specific learning objectives.
Distance from UMA: 118 miles; 2 hr drive by bus
Dates: most days are options from Mid-October to early November with each grade level on a different day
Cost per student: $45, includes lunch and all activities, excludes bus transfer (1 free chaperone per 10 students)
9th Grade Itinerary
7:30 am Depart UMA
9:45 am Arrive at Winona State University, snacks, welcome/briefing by Global Treks and WSU Adventure Teams
10:15 – 12:15 pm Leadership initiatives utilizing the indoor climbing gym
12:45 – 1:45 pm Lunch break at Prairie Island Campground
2 – 3 pm Station 2
3 – 4 pm Station 3
4 – 4:45 pm Bonfire, s’mores, goals/intentions
5:00 pm Depart for UMA
7 pm Students depart from UMA
Station specifics
1) Climbing Gym and Leadership Challenges: students will receive climbing instruction for the indoor climbing wall and have plenty of time to conquer the different routes; group team-building and problem-solving initiatives are utilized to increase self esteem, communication and leadership skills
2) Hiking and local habitat exploration – identification of species, inter-relatedness of organisms within an ecosystem
3) River connections – learn about the impact of moving water systems on local geography. Work together in teams to construct topographic maps and understand local geographical features.
4) Curriculum Connections Activity — course to be developed to match curriculum goals and specific learning objectives.
10th Grade Itinerary
7:30 am Depart UMA
9:45 am Arrive at Winona State University, snacks, welcome/briefing by Global Treks and WSU Adventure Teams
10:15 – 12:15 pm Leadership initiatives utilizing the indoor climbing gym
12:45 – 1:45 pm Lunch break at Prairie Island Campground
1:45 – 3 pm Station 2
3 – 4:15 pm Station 3
4:15 – 5 pm Bonfire, s’mores, goals/intentions
5:15 pm Depart for UMA
7:15 pm Students depart from UMA
Station specifics
1) Climbing Gym and Leadership Challenges: students will receive climbing instruction for the indoor climbing wall and have plenty of time to conquer the different routes; group team-building and problem-solving initiatives are utilized to increase self esteem, communication and leadership skills
2) Hiking and local habitat exploration – utilizing species identification apps and geocaching, students complete a scavenger hunt of the local ecosystem discovering preferred habitats of species and building an increased understanding and appreciation for environmental sustainability
3) Teamwork, leadership and communication challenge: students participate in a team-building activity where they work together to creatively present an ecology-related concept to the group utilizing creativity, humor and science knowledge to make an impact with their peers and increase personal understanding of leadership skills.
4) Curriculum Connections Activity — course to be developed to match curriculum goals and specific learning objectives.
Spring 2023: 11th and 12th Grade Day Trip with Overnight Option
Distance from UMA: 25 miles; 45 min drive by bus
Dates: most days are options from Mid-march to early May with each grade level on a different day
Cost per student: $35, includes lunch and all activities, excludes bus transfer (1 free chaperone per 10 students)
**Overnight option: $8 per student additional charge
11th Grade Itinerary
9 am Depart UMA
10 am Arrive at Afton, Welcome Briefing by Global Treks and local Naturalist
10:30 – 12:30 pm Wildlife and Habitat Hike
12:45 – 1:45 pm Lunch break
2 – 4:30 pm Service Learning Activity
4:45 - 5:45 pm Bonfire, backcountry snacks, reflection activity
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
6:45 pm Students depart from UMA
**Overnight camping option at Afton State Park:
Evening activities options include: night hike and ecosystem immersion activity, backcountry cooking and wilderness survival skill workshops (fire-making, cooking, wilderness medicine and risk management)
Morning includes reflection activity at the river, breakfast and camp take down. Departure at 10:30 am
12th Grade Itinerary
9 am Depart UMA
10 am Arrive at Afton State Park, Welcome Briefing by Global Treks and local Naturalist
10:30 – 12:30 Wilderness Skills Workshop, Backcountry Cooking and Leadership Initiatives
12:45 – 1:45 Lunch break
2 – 4:30 Service Learning Activity
4:45 - 5:45 Bonfire, Backcountry Snacks, Reflection Activity
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
6:45 pm Students depart from UMA
**Overnight camping option at Afton State Park:
Evening activities options include: night hike and wildlife adventure, backcountry cooking and wilderness survival skill workshops (fire-making, cooking, wilderness medicine and risk management)
Morning includes reflection activity at the river, breakfast and camp take down. Departure at 10:30 am
Distance from UMA: 118 miles; 2 hr drive by bus
Dates: most days are options from early March to May with each grade level on a different day
Cost per student: $45, includes meals and all activities, excludes bus transfer (1 free chaperone per 10 students)
**Overnight options (additional $8 per student):
a) overnight at Winona State University for college immersion experience (cost varies depending on preferred package)
b) camping at Prairie Island Campground
7 am Depart UMA
9 am Arrive at WSU, Welcome Briefing by Global Treks
10:30 – 12:30 pm River Adventure: Risk Management, Paddling and Navigation Class
12:45 – 1:45 pm Lunch Break
2 – 4:30 pm Service Learning Activity at Holzinger Bluff focused on environmental sustainability
4:45 - 5:45 pm Bonfire, Backcountry Snacks, Reflection Activity
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
7:45 pm Students depart from UMA
**Optional college visit to Winona State with tour of facilities and visit with students
**Overnight camping option at Prairie Island Park:
Evening activities options include: night hike species identification activity, backcountry cooking and wilderness survival skill workshops (fire-making, cooking, wilderness medicine and risk management)
Morning includes reflection activity at the river, breakfast and camp take down. Departure at 10:30 am or so
12th Grade Sample Itinerary in winona
7 am Depart UMA
9 am Arrive at Winona State, Welcome Briefing by Global Treks and local Naturalist
10:30 – 12:30 pm Climbing and Leadership Initiatives or Wilderness Skills Workshop and Backcountry Cooking
12:45 – 1:45 pm Lunch break
2 – 4:30 pm Team Challenge and Leadership Styles Workshop/Games
4:45 - 5:45 pm Bonfire, Backcountry Snacks, Reflection Activity
5:45 pm Depart for UMA
7:45 pm Students depart from UMA
**Recommended Overnight Camping option at Prairie Island Park or depending on student numbers/abilities we could paddle downriver and camp on the beaches along the Mississippi River:
Evening activities options include: night hike species identification activity, backcountry cooking and wilderness survival skill workshops (fire-making, cooking, wilderness medicine and risk management); Extra spontaneous fun includes a disc golf course, volleyball court and park on site
Morning includes reflection activity at the river, breakfast and camp take down. Departure at 10:30 am or so
Looking ahead to the future
Scaffolding Program Example 1:
9th grade
Itasca State Park
Highlighting the beginning stage location of the Mississippi and their journey in high school.
Focused Workshop Experience Options: geocaching, foraging, geography/geology deep dive into key vocabulary and identification of local landforms/rocks/minerals and geologic history
Skill-building Activity: introduction to backcountry safety and risk management, intro to navigational skills and use of maps
10th Grade
St. Croix State Park
Highlighting St. Croix and Kettle Rivers and bridging concept of different streams combining towards the Mississippi as different experiences students go through combine to shape their meandering path
Focused Workshop Experience Options: problem-based learning tied to sustainability within the park
Continued Skill-building: leadership communication styles, intermediate navigational skills, paddling, advanced risk management and decision-making processes
11th grade
Paddling Adventure Winona to La Crosse
Highlighting how the Mississippi continues to flow out of Minnesota to Wisconsin as the students are bridging to their final year in high school and looking ahead to new horizons.
Focused Workshop Experience Options: on streams and environmental sustainability highlighting connections to previous 2 years immersion of river life
Continued Skill-building: overnight paddling adventure, advanced river risk management training, introduction to logistics and provisioning
12th grade
Culminating Paddling and Camping Experience in Apostle Islands or Boundary Waters
Highlighting 4 years of academic and wilderness skill-building whereby students have the opportunity to push into their challenge zones, participate in problem-solving activities, expand leadership skills and gain self-confidence.
Focused Workshop Experience Options: communication of goals, hurdles, navigating challenges and resiliency
Continued skill-building: students assist with planning, logistical details and provisioning, leadership challenges throughout trip focused on communication, teamwork and problem solving.
Scaffolding Program Example 2
(note: As I am uncertain of specific grade-specific learning objectives, each of the following can be customized to align with fit age-appropriate and standards-based instruction)
Minnesota Native Plants and Foraging Day
I have connected with a few different potential locations to visit where students will have the opportunity to deep dive into local plants, pollinators, symbiotic relationships, build connections between self and local ecosystems and complete the day with a farm to plate meal.
Minnesota Rivers and aquatic systems
Students will enjoy a day on the river incorporating river health (activities can include: water testing and nutrient workshop, macroinvertebrate studies, aquatic plant buffer zones and problem-based learning oppportunities) combined with either a day trip paddling or an overnight
Local Industry Field Day
I have connected with several local and regional industry leaders in manufacturing and engineering. The day would incorporate a visit to a local company, participate in a problem-based project highlighting STEM learning objectives and then move into an outdoor segment highlighting further development of leadership and wilderness navigation.
Senior Culminating Expedition:
Seniors are in the unique position to be standing a crossroads with infinite paths ahead of them. Students will have the opportunity to celebrate this epic chapter change together as a class, traveling as a group and stretching their academic and outdoors skills reinforcing resiliency and confidence before moving ahead to their next steps. Students will participate in workshops, enjoy paddling/hiking, backcountry cooking and camp under the stars. Location options throughout Minnesota, the greater United States and abroad.
further International travel adventure options:
Whether by land or sea on sailboats, we create customized expeditions for schools around the world at assessable pricing for all students.
Past expedition locations: Iceland, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Guatemala, Spain and the Virgin Islands.
For example itineraries of past expeditions with high schools around the country, click HERE.
I look forward to receiving your feedback and addressing any questions at your nearest convenience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at Herdina@Global-Treks.com or via phone at 651-380-1557. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your amazing students!